Lazio likes to consider itself the centre of Italy, and rightfully so. The region was born from an empire whose history, monuments and art still take front row in today’s world. Three millennia of history dominate Lazio and the region boasts seven UNESCO World Heritage sites including capital city Rome.
- Fated Trojan Aeneas came to Latium and founded the city Lavinium - today’s Practica di Mare
Rome was founded
21 April 753 BC - Modern Rome has over 280 fountains and over 900 churches
- Lago di Bolsena is the largest volcanic lake in Europe
La Porta Alchemica, a 17th-century
doorway in Rivodutri, is said to be a portal
into the mysteries of alchemy - Lazio is home to the world’s smallest country, Città del Vaticano (Vatican City)
- Fated Trojan Aeneas came to Latium and founded the city Lavinium - today’s Practica di Mare
Rome was founded
21 April 753 BC - Modern Rome has over 280 fountains and over 900 churches
- Lago di Bolsena is the largest volcanic lake in Europe
La Porta Alchemica, a 17th-century
doorway in Rivodutri, is said to be a portal
into the mysteries of alchemy - Lazio is home to the world’s smallest country, Città del Vaticano (Vatican City)