20 large lemons preferably with very thick rinds
1 litre (4.25 cups) pure alcohol
1 litre (4.25 cups) water
700 grams (3.5 cups) sugar
1 vanilla bean
Day 1:
Wash the lemons thoroughly, and then zest, taking care not to avoid the white part of the rind which is bitter. Pour zest and alcohol into an airtight glass container and seal. Place the can in a dry space and set aside for 4 days, shaking the container slightly each day.
4 Days Later:
heat up water with sugar and vanilla until it boils into a syrup. Remove from heat. Now, take the zest and alcohol mixture and filtering the zest from the liquid with a gauze or fine colander. Add the filtered alcohol liquid to the sugar/vanilla syrup. Pour this liquid into an airtight container and set aside for 15 to 20 days, shaking the container every so often.
15 Days Later:
the Limoncello will be ready! You can either pour it into small bottles and place in freezer to enjoy all year, give it away (limoncello is perfect for little gifts) or drink it immediately.
8 large lemons preferably with very thick rinds
750 ml (25 oz) pure alcohol
500 grams (2.5 cups) sugar
1 vanilla bean
½ litre (2.1 cups) milk
½ litre (2.1 cups) liquid cream
Day 1:
Wash the lemons thoroughly, and then zest, taking care not to avoid the white part of the rind which is bitter. Pour zest and alcohol into an airtight glass container and seal. Place the can in a dry space and set aside for 4 days, shaking the container slightly each day.
4 Days Later:
Boil milk and cream, then add sugar. Now, take the zest and alcohol mixture and filtering the zest from the liquid with a gauze or fine colander. Mix the filtered alcohol liquid with cream/sugar mixture in a blender to create a smooth cream. Pour crema di limoncello in a liquor bottle and freeze for a month before serving. Serve chilled.
Crema di Limoncello can be kept in freezer for a maximum of 6 months